Jan 22, 2010

New. Shiny. Different.

Hello All,

I know it's been a while since our last interlude, I'm sorry, but the good news is - Red Dirt Improv is busier than ever and it's absolutely terrific!

Since our last post we:
  • Had a bunch of shows at the IAO Gallery
  • Came up with a whole bunch of new and exciting games and show ideas - which you'll be able to see in "9 Fridays @ 9"
  • Had a few changes to the cast of RDI.
  • Raychel's our new Artistic Director, and we love her.
  • Performed in OKC's Opening Night to two packed audiences and spread the 'good news' of improv comedy to the OKC Metro Area.
  • Finally, we set the date for the Improv Festival Oklahoma 2.0 (or just IFO2 for short!) - more information is going to be coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled for it!

That's it... for now... dun dun dahhhh!
Dr. Spach - aka Stf